DESCRIPTION: A high solids pigmented finish made from heavy and light bodied oils specially formulated for application on unpainted hardwoods. Heavy bodied oils provide water repellency. Trans-oxide pigments provide enhanced color retention on hardwoods. Light bodied oil penetrates into the wood. Armstrong-Clark's Hardwood Stains retain color longer, and reduce the frequency of re-coats on maintenance intensive hardwoods. One coat finish for hardwoods. For softwood applications a second coat may be applied if absorbency conditions are met.
UNIQUE QUALITIES: Armstrong-Clark's Hardwood stain formula is a combination of drying and non-drying oils that gives the user two layers of protection with one brush stroke. Armstrong’s Wood Stains have a non-drying conditioning oil that separates from the drying side of the formula. This oil penetrates into the wood fiber where the wood’s natural oil used to be. This process rejuvenates the wood. The drying oils stay at the surface, lock in the conditioning oil and create a barrier that is dry to the touch. Armstrong-Clark's Wood Stains have only a mild boiled linseed oil aroma and can be applied in the direct sunlight/ heat of the day. This stain will not peel or crack. Can be exposed to light to “normal” rain 60 minutes after absorption into wood. All of Armstrong-Clark's colors are inter-mixable.
USE: For all new and old hardwood lumber surfaces such as decks, posts, and railings. Can also be applied to any unpainted softwood surfaces such as: decks, docks, siding, shakes, shingles, fences and log homes.